From The Guardian:
Exploding mortgage rates, average house prices at almost 10 times the average salary and rents at an all-time high: the crisis is leaving its mark on every stage of millennial relationships. It’s there on dates, with the need to find someone to buy with (or just split the rent with) as ever-present as glasses of bad wine. It’s pressing fast forward on the relationship itself: a 2022 SpareRoom survey found that nearly a quarter of respondents would consider moving in with a partner earlier than planned to save money. It’s trapping an estimated one in 10 people in relationships they aren’t happy in because they can’t afford to move out. And it hangs around even after the breakup, forcing some exes to live together for years on end.
‘We could soon see a Jane Austen-style marriage market’: how the housing crisis is turning modern dating on its head – Barbara Speed, The Guardian
I thought this was a really interesting read for everyone… single, dating, married, separated, and beyond. Although the stats and point of view are based in the UK, the situation mirrors what we’re seeing here in the United States, as well.
I take great pride in my professional experience of having worked with many single and non-married couple renters and buyers and would love to talk with you about your specific experience, where you are today, and where you see yourself in the future… and how real estate plays an important part in those lifestyles. I also look forward to hearing your thoughts on the linked article, too! 🥸